Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Alyssa Grace Brubaker

Yeah Yeah Yeah I know I haven't updated my blog in awhile. Well my mom came down here to live with us for 3 weeks to help Louise when the baby is born. On Nov. 9th at 3:30am we headed for the hospital, arrived at 4am and had a little girl by 5:05am. Everything went very good and we felt Gods hand in all this. We were concerned about how bad the traffic is here in Guatemala and getting to the hospital on time but God saw to it that there were no problems and we are very thankful for this.She weighed 6lb 6oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. Since our little girl was born she will be both American and Guatemalan. I already went and got here US birth certificate and we just applied for her US passport today and it is supposed to take 10 days for it to get here from the states. Hopefully it is here by the Dec. 21st because we have tickets to visit the states from Dec. 21st to Jan. 20th. We are all doing wonderful and the kidos are loving their little sis.  My wife is busy at home and I am busy with the changes taking place down here and getting ready for next year’s work teams.IMG_2616 (2) copyIMG_2090IMG_2118IMG_2107IMG_2301IMG_2323_editedIMG_2338IMG_2340_editedIMG_2345_editedIMG_2347 (1)IMG_2399_editedIMG_2403IMG_2416IMG_2418IMG_2451IMG_2551

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The work team from Canada

We had a awesome week with this team. They had two dentists along who worked on the children’s teeth all week long while the rest of the crew helped in the kitchen, laundry room, did cleaning, helped with deliveries, worked on building the wall, and of course holding and playing with the children.IMG_9431IMG_9433IMG_9444IMG_9447IMG_9448IMG_9466IMG_9483IMG_9487IMG_9489Oscar and I making Pollo Gringo for Fondacion Sion where we took the team on Saturday to visit a home.IMG_9492IMG_9502IMG_9508 IMG_9531

On the way home from Pollo Gringo on Saturday we saw this little fender bender.This bus hit a pickup and somehow ended up off the road a little bit.IMG_9530