Friday, August 13, 2010

Vehicles in Guatemala in a day.

Oscar was driving today so I grabbed my 70mm-200mm and sat shotgun to hopefully see something unusual but all I seen was normal vehicles. At the orphanage we were working at they  wanted to paint a moral on the wall so we went into town (Chimaltenango) to get some paint and while we were waiting I took some pics as the traffic went by. The buses a.k.a. chicken buses are a normal mode of transportation. The  Pizza Hut motorcycle is a very common delivery vehicle. McDonalds also has delivery bikes.p 662                                                                                                               Why would someone even build a road any wider? p 672 p 687 p 692 p 694                                                                                                                                            This must be a 2 ton pickup!p 701 p 704 p 710 p 711 p 712 p 714 p 715 p 722 p 725                                                                                                                                                                  Gas on it!p 730                                                                                       Whew! That was a heavy bag too put up here. But hey I gotta make my 3 dollers a day.p 739                                                                                                                                           Did someone say inspections.p 752                                                        When it’s time to deliver pizza it’s time to deliver pizza, besides no one’s using the middle line. Also some places they even have bike lanes (shoulders).p 755 p 756                                                                                                                                                  Now that’s a mini van!