I’m loving the depth of field (2.8) this lens possesses and was just playing around and enjoying my new toy on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I decided to also post a picture of Agua that I took on the way to work the other mourning. Oh and the bottom picture is a small shrub that I got and then trimmed and am attempting to turn into a Bonsai tree (a miniature tree). It takes years until it looks like a small tree.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Playing with my new lens that my friend got for me.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Landslides and what not.
At Amor del nino (an orphanage) they had a landslide that got within 15 feet of the one building. Their drain for the washer (which they have to use a lot everyday) used to drain down over the bank. We think the concrete pipe was leaking and over the years made a big void underground and when the hurricane hit the other month it created a big landslide. Anyway we dug a 6 ft by 4 ft by 7 ft hole by hand and found the old pipe. Then we built a box around the pipe, busted out the old pipe and ran a new pipe down over the mt. After we build the box up to the top of the hole we are planning to put a grate on top so it also catches the roof water and surface water.
The other pictures are of a project we are helping with at Vida (another orphanage). The building is going to be a kitchen and storage area.